Privacy Policy Glass Bead Software Logo

We care about privacy. Here is our policy on what data we collect about our customers and what we will and won't do with that data:

Data we collect

If you download our software to try it out we ask you for your e-mail address. We also store your IP address and the date you downloaded our software.

If you are a customer who purchases our software we ask you for your full contact information including company name, phone number, address, e-mail, billing address, etc. Our web-site also requests your credit card number, however that information never comes to our servers nor do we store it. Credit card information is sent directly to our credit card processor's servers for approval. We do store the credit-card transaction id which we receive from our credit card processor for record keeping.

What we do with collected data

We may e-mail you with followup questions after you download our software. If you have purchased our software we may e-mail you with product version upgrades, promotional prices, and new product announcements.

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending us e-mail at the address below, or visiting us at

What we won't do with collected data

We will not give away any information we collect about you to any third party for any purpose (unless that third party is law enforcement and they make us do it).


Like many others, our site sometimes places a "cookie" with your Web-browser software. Currently the cookies we store are one that indicates that you have downloaded our software so that we don't ask you for your e-mail address when you come back to download it again, and another to keep track of purchasing sessions so that as you move through the process of making a purchase we are able to access the correct records.

Contact Information

Our postal address is
229 Bradley's Crossing Road
East Chatham, NY 12060

We can be reached via e-mail at generalinfoglassbead

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